sábado, 31 de marzo de 2007

Europa no quiere bolivianos

Desde mañana, Europa cierra las puertas a los inmigrantes bolivianos por lo que cientos de frustrados viajeros realizaron ayer una huelga de hambre en los aeropuertos de Cochabamba y Santa Cruz, exigiendo la devolución de sus pasajes.

La UE impuso la obligación de obtener una visa para ingresar, a partir del 1 de abril, con el objetivo de limitar la creciente corriente migratoria procedente de ese país. Según la Policía española, el anuncio de la petición de visado ha motivado que en los últimos meses se triplicara el número de ciudadanos bolivianos que llegan a España, que ha pasado de los aproximadamente 5.000 de mayo de 2006 a unos 14.000. fuente télam

viernes, 30 de marzo de 2007

¿Chile participó en la guerra de Malvinas?

Este es un documental emitido en la televisión chilena hace casi 2 años donde se intenta dar cuenta de la participación chilena en el conflicto bélico. Creo que siempre la pregunta de si Chile había o no colaborado con los británicos hoy puede tener una solución a partir de este documento periodístico que esta compuesto de 7 videos. También podes hacer clic en uno de los siguientes likns para ver la continuación del video por cierto muy interesante: PARTE 2 PARTE 3 PARTE 4 PARTE 5 PARTE 6 PARTE 7

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2007

Nuevos intercambios a 25 años

Este comentario aparecio en el blog Infamy or Praise:
You say "Falklands" and I say "Malvinas"/ Let's call the whole thing off Twenty-five years ago this coming Monday, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands. Over the next couple of months, three things were firmly established: The Falklands are British possessions. Margaret Thatcher is a bad person to underestimate. Argentina should stick to soccer.

I'm argentinian and i dont think that the Malvinas island are british. Are you informed about the conflict? about the history of the islands? Do you know that Malvinas are in the continental plataform of argentina and that Margaret Thatcher is a criminal of war? why?...Because the Belgrano was destroyed when the nave was going to argentina and not to the conflict area. Atte Georgina Lloyd

Colin Samuels le responde a infolibre

I appreciate the comment. I don't think that the brief war changed any minds in either Britain or Argentina as to the proper possession of the islands; if memory serves, the restoration of diplomatic relations between the countries side-stepped the islands' sovereignty and it is still not a settled issue under international law. As to the sinking of the General Belgrano, subsequent interviews and analysis of that event (as with many others during the war) have tended to support the British position at the time. In interviews conducted by historian Martin Middlebrook, the captain of the Belgrano confirmed what had been suspected before -- that the vessel was not withdrawing from the conflict entirely (as your comment implies) but was just withdrawing from its previous combat position until wind and other conditions made the resumption of its combat operations more tenable. Wikipedia quotes Captain Hector Bonzo from Middlebrook's research: "We were heading towards the mainland but not going to the mainland; we were going to a position to await further orders." Regardless one's beliefs as to the status of the Belgrano at the moment it was attacked and sunk by the HMS Conqueror, it is indisputable that the ship was a legitimate target. It was a military vessel operating in support of military efforts during wartime. To suggest that it was not a proper target because it was facing away from the Falklands at the moment it was torpedoed is somewhat naive; if the ship had been in port, as much of the Argentine Navy was during the war, it could still have been legitimately attacked and destroyed as a military target.

Intercambio de comentarios a 25 años de Malvinas

Quería mostrar diferentes comentarios que hice en páginas británicas acerca de reflexiones que los ingleses tienen hoy sobre nuestras Malvinas:
The Falklands War Remembered It seems some people are being asked what they remember of the Falklands war which happened 25 years ago.Firstly I had for one reason or another been reading up on the Falklands long before the invasion, along with other islands in the South Atlantic like Tristan Da Cunha, and Gough Island. So I knew exactly where they were.When at 13 I heard we were to withdraw the Endurance I was concerned that it was a cut to far, and concerned about the signals it would send. In short I thought it was nuts.I was 14 at the time. I was on the bus home from school when someone got on the bus and said that the Argentinians had invaded the Falkland islands. I seemed to be the only person on the bus who knew where they were.The invasion was a shock. Well, it was to a lot of people. Obviously we made a statement denouncing the invasion and demanding the immediate withdrawal of Argentinian forces. Needless to say they didn't accede to the request.I remember the build up to war and sailing of the fleet, with large crowds gathered to send our lads off.Several ships were commandeered for the war. One such was teh container ship Atlantic Conveyor which carried more aircraft to the area (They could fly off the deck). Many other ships were also commandeered including the Canberra which was used as a troop ship and hospital ship.I remember Brian Hanrahan's famous words as our Sea Harriers engaged the enemy. "I counted them out, and I counted them all back."I was shocked at the loss of the Sheffield, and the Atlantic Conveyor (we lost other ships as well). When the Atlantic Conveyor was hit several of its merchant crew, including its captain died.I also remember the sinking of the Belgrano. This seems to attract a lot of controversy even today though I don't know why. If you go around invading someone elses territory and sinking their ships, expect some payback. Like the German Surface fleet of the First and Second word war, the Argentine navy withdrew to port.It was tough at San Carlos bay, named by the troops as bomb alley. They were constantly under air attack. From there the army advanced on Darwin and Goose Green, where 500 men of 2 Para led by Colonel H Jones VC took both, despite being outnumbered. Colonel Jones VC lost his life storming a machine gun nest, for which he posthumously received the Victoria Cross.I still remember the pictures of our infantry "yomping" across the Falklands. (We lost a lot of helicopters on the Atlantic Conveyor).I was both sad and angry to hear of the loss of the Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram with the appalling injuries to the Welsh guards and others aboard, including Simon Weston.Then after some fighting around Mount Tumbledown we forced the surrender of the Argentinians in Port Stanley.We lost 258 men, whilst the Argentinians lost 649. I will remember them.
Esta es la respuesta de infolibre:
Ok, i'm argentinian and i dont think like you.Why? It's very simple:Argentina not invaded Malvinas. Malvinas are in de continental plataform of argentina and the history said that the island must in argentian hands. I will can clasificate your country like a "pirate", because stole lands around the world. Maybe of your point of view (like an english) you dont understund my position, but whit 22 years old i live in a different world, en 1982 argentina suffered a goverment of fact and the people couldnt tell wath we want. In the war the soldiers (one of them, my father) were 18, 19 years old and dont know anything about the conflict, only that dont want that one part of us country were stay in others hands. Now, i know that Margaret Thatchet is a criminal of war. You tell that dont understund the controversy about the navy but in the war there be laws and your country dont respect this. The belgrano didnt go to malvinas, was out of the conflict area ¡but died around 300 soldiers! Why?..is my simple question for you.
Respuesta al comentario de infolibre:
Benedict White said... infolibre, "Malvinas are in de continental plataform of argentina and the history said that the island must in argentian hands." I think we will have to agree to disagree on that one."en 1982 argentina suffered a goverment of fact and the people couldnt tell wath we want. "yes, and as a result of teh Falklands war, your country was able to get rid of that government."The belgrano didnt go to malvinas, was out of the conflict area ¡but died around 300 soldiers!Why..is my simple question for you?"

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2007

Nuevo edificio de Ciencias Sociales: Finalizó la primera etapa de la obra

En el mes de febrero se cumplió con la primera etapa de la construcción de la nueva facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UBA en el barrio de Constitución. El proyecto se divide en tres etapas, de las cuales una ha sido superada. Las aulas comprendidas en este primer tramo de la obra ya están disponibles para ser utilizadas a partir del comienzo del primer cuatrimestre de este año. Las tres etapas de la remodelación de la ex fábrica de Terrabusi están tasadas en casi 25 millones de pesos, teniendo en cuenta los precios de mercado de julio del 2004. El nuevo edificio estará ubicado en el barrio de Constitución y ocupara una manzana, rodeado por las calles Santiago del Estero, San José, Humberto 1(primo) y Carlos Calvo. El lugar está cercano al cruce de la avenida 9 de Julio y la autopista 25 de Mayo, una zona no muy transitada y que no inspira mucha seguridad, sobre todo por la noche. El diseño del edificio contempla la construcción de espacios de circulación amplios y accesos bien definidos para que pueda facilitarse la evacuación. Además, la nueva sede contará con una salida de emergencia y los elementos necesarios para los casos de incendio. El proyecto del nuevo edificio de la facultad de Sociales se inscribe dentro de un contexto de reclamos por parte del estudiantado para la creación de un edificio único, que impida que siga habiendo sub- sedes en condiciones edilicias y de seguridad deplorables. Por otra parte, otro de los principales puntos del reclamo era la falta de lugar en las aulas, para la cantidad de alumnos que se anotaban en sociales. En los últimos tiempos el auge de las carreras humanísticas, principalmente en Comunicación Social y en Psicología, ha provocado que el número de alumnos inscriptos incremente cada año, desbordando de esa forma la capacidad de absorción de la universidad